Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Parallel dimensions

In line with the British council's 'Reimagine Arts' initiative that was launched in 2013 to build new cultural avenues between the people and cultural institutions in the UK and India, a collaborative showcase of printmaking, ceramics,  painting and drawings is  on display at the gallery, British council, 17 KG Marg CP New Delhi from 13 August 2015 to 30 September 2015.

The exhibition is termed "parallel dimensions" and brings together the work of three artists who trained in the United Kingdom at formative stages of their careers. The exhibition delves into individual narratives, societal structures and the intrinsic relationship between humans and the natural world.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

living walls

living in a wall otinflewer

Wall completed in 4 weeks using charcoal soft pastel and black ink.

Our view is to separate the gradients, but in nature everything is a one whole form.
As we evolve, the product of our evolution is instilled in things we construct. We establish these products as our beliefs. Ever building.
In everything there is something beautifully tied one to all as such, that the one that can, touches the chords as per its desire.

I realize how the only purpose of our thought is to build a script of possibilities. Almost like life is micro tool placed in an object to make it possibly pass through time, experiencing it in a varied way, travelling to the very moment of origin. Just like the entire universe, a life dances a moment reflecting everything around it inside the conscious and subconscious perceptions we experience, right from the moment of origin, till as far as it can go in the universe.

Life happens when something, a mixture of cells and organs etc., is capable of tracing back in its contents, the events and possibilities that have occured ahead in their time and accordingly capable of maintaining and using this content while time travelling from the begining of everything till its end.
Every think we accumulate becomes of a purpose, that is how we progress as life. Otherwise we are floating matter like everything. It is only from the reflection within that the mirror can reflect further ahead in time.
Walls at otinflewer
wall otinflewer

Monday, 3 August 2015

A Buddhist Design - Otinflewer

Buddhism teaches love for beings, nature and ideas alike. It is only with the acceptance of two particles that a bond exists giving birth to or creating the ascending fractions of our universe. This binding, over a period of time, results in the face of evolution in the ever changing and ever expanding universe
The purpose of life, not ours alone, but of every form of desire and will that exists, is defined not on the basis of their function, ability, communities, regions, perceptions or the view of their world  or of those around it. A purpose to life is to be part of everything that has grown till late, to able to relate with everything that existed and to grow further, till nature, in its truest physical, chemical and biological hierarchies, can take us.

We often speak of our possessions and our earnings. But seldom we realize, our only true belongings are half a cubic meter of restrictively malleable bodies programmed to unimaginable efficiency and possibilities and an apparently random amount of time to live by. An after life can be anything, but not you who existed before death. Many forms and beings have disappeared with little hope of reappearing within our lifetimes. In their afterlife, their worlds are away and distant from our beliefs and understanding.
With the two though, we can create bubbles of possibilities within this fabric of time and space, expanding with the course, clinging to every other bubble that it doesn’t poke and burst, adding strength and momentum to the universal tumble and the possibility of growth.
Everything exists in singularity at a given moment. As long as one can relate and pair or share, or bond or empathize with another particle or existence, they remain in a form, function or belief, evolving with the spanning time and continuous interactions with the other forms and possibilities that exist at their time creating patterns of decoration in their stories.
